Friday, February 4, 2011


What a beautiful day outside! Griff and I dressed up to go and play outside for an hour today before Ben came home. He had a blast! We have tried many other times to "play" in the snow, but it has always been too cold or windy for him to enjoy it. What a guy.


22 weeks and feeling good! I still have some days when I'm really tired and sluggish, but other days I have endless energy! I like those days.

It was time for pajamas with a little "naked boy" time first! But Griff felt compelled to take off his diaper first.

Showing Katherine Stay our Christmas pictures, while taking off his diaper. She didn't mind.

Fall catch-up continued...

Griff has a new favorite spot, sitting on his own rocking chair in his room.

Attempting a group photo this past October at the apple orchard in Mazeppa. Katie, Jeff, Noah, Ruby, Griffin and I took a trip to the pumpkin patch and apple orchard. It was a PERFECT fall day, almost hot! The kids loved it, the adults were tired.

Buds. "Come on Griffy, I'll help you!"

The Sjobloms!