Sunday, May 15, 2011


Ben's parents Don and Avonne on Don's 77th brithday at the end of March.

We had the Estate Sale at their home April 30/May 1, which was a BIG success. Then this past Friday/Saturday, we had a garage sale to try and sell a few more things. It wasn't quite as successful as the estate sale, but everything was donated to the Goodwill after this sale. Their garage looks AWESOME, and they can park both cars in it!

"Cheese!" Griff LOVES riding his bike. He can't reach the peddles, but that doesn't stop him from going!

A trip to Groth Impliment in Wanamingo to sit on the lawn mowers. Always a hit.

Driving tractor.

This was taken on Ben's 29th brithday, April 20th. We went to the Covered Bridge for supper. It was fun and the food was good!

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