Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Catch- up

My "boys" were taking an afternoon nap at the end of July. They looked really cute together.
It's official! The middle of July, Ben and I put our house up for sale. We haven't had many bites on our house, but it's only been a month. Hopefully it sells soon because I hate always having the possibility of a showing hanging over my head. It's impossible to keep a perfectly clean house all the time.

July 24, my best friend from nursing school got married in Rochester. She looked beautiful!

On July 27, the ladies of the church hosted a double shower for me, Griff, Tanya and Teagan. I was so prepared and bought them a gift nice and early!! Well, Teagan Lynn is a GIRL. I'm and idot and bought Teagan Lynn three cute boy outfits. We arrive at the church and "he" has on a pink dress. My heart sunk into my stomach and I felt like crying when I had to tell her why her gift had to come at a later time! Luckily she understood, and we had a good laugh.

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