Monday, January 5, 2009

18 weeks

I had another appointment today and everything looks great!! They drew blood a week ago to test for Trisome 18, Down's Syndrome and any neural tube defects. Well, I received a call this morning when I was getting ready for my appointment that the test results were normal! Yeah! I was relieved to hear that. Then I went to my appointment and I got to hear the heart beat again and it was in the 150's. A bonus was my doctor did a quick ultrasound to check the baby too since we had some extra time!!! What an unexpected surprise! I couldn't belived how much bigger kiddo was than the first ultrasound. It looked like a baby, not a blob with arms. Ben was a little upset that I got to see the baby again, and he didn't. But next Wednesday, we have the big anatomy ultrasound where they check the growth of the baby. We are so excited for that. Well, I'm at work and have to get my assignment. I'll write next week if not sooner! Happy New Year!


Shelly Pagel said...

Awesome-- ultrasounds are awesome! How fun-- I miss being prego!

Val said...

Bekki, that is so exciting. I cannot wait to hold my new grandbaby. Pat your tummy for me. Love, Mom